Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I woke up this morning and had an epiphany about my life. Jumping out of bed I looked in the mirror and said to myself, "I don't want to be a teacher anymore". Well, this is only half true. I do want to be a teacher, but I don't want teaching to be my ultimate career goal. Feeling deja vu all over again, (I had had an epiphany once before during my freshman year of college changing from interior design to dance) fear rushed over my body as I realized I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. Sitting down in front of the computer I decided to take random quizzes to see what my career path should be. Obviously a computer generated quiz was not going to answer my question. So I sat for a long time looking at the sky and thinking what I wanted out of life. Where I wanted to live, how much time I wanted to have with my non existent children, and did I want to spend the majority of my day teaching in a classroom or working in an office? No. So I asked myself the question one more time: what do I want to do with my life? The answer, write. I have always loved writing. From creating fiction stories to writing songs and poems. Every essay I have written throughout college has gotten great reviews and grades. So it is decided. I am going to become a writer and what better place to begin than to have my own blog. Warning to the organized: I am very spontaneous, hence the name of the blog, so my topics will be random but full of optimism (unless I'm in a bad mood) and creativity. I hope you all enjoy my Spontaneous State of Mind!

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